

Traffic Injury Research Foundation’s mission to reduce the road crash problem is accomplished by undertaking nearly two dozen research projects each year.

These projects consist of:

  • Experimental and epidemiological research
  • Qualitative and quantitative analyses (and specialized multivariate techniques)
  • Observational studies
  • Public opinion, population and roadside surveys
  • Crash analysis
  • Database design, construction and management
  • Literature reviews

Our Projects

The Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators (AIIPA) in partnership with the Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA, Inc. (TIRF USA) released four documents as proceedings from the 2022 annual conference..
A national trend towards the legalization of both recreational and medical cannabis has emerged across the US, affecting many jurisdictions including Colorado. Post-legalization of recreational cannabis, there is evidence to..
TIRF USA has conducted an annual Road Safety Monitor public opinion poll series since 2015 in partnership with TIRF in Canada and with sponsorship from the Anheuser-Busch Foundation. Each year..
TIRF USA, in partnership with Greenway and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the ignition interlock program in Colorado. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a..
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA (TIRF USA) and VHB, Inc. were contracted by Greenway Transportation Planning to participate in an evaluation of the Minnesota ignition interlock program. The goal..
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA, Inc. (TIRF USA), in partnership with TIRF in Canada, with funding from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, developed and evaluated an educational resource..

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Corporations, foundations and individuals can all become donors and/or project sponsors of TIRF USA.