

Everyone has the power to make roads safer.

We all care about the safety of our family and friends, our co-workers, our communities and our fellow Americans. We share a common goal to make sure everyone gets home safely every day.

In fact, safe roads are a fundamental component of emergency preparedness plans and road crashes affect all of us by:

  • Depleting limited supplies and eroding resources which are essential for the sustained delivery of life-saving health care services in times of emergency.
  • Threatening the ability of health care workers to meet the needs of our loved ones by putting them at risk as they travel to and from work.
  • Jeopardizing supply chains which provide Americans with food and other necessities when they need it most.
  • Exposing essential service workers to risk while they are on the job maintaining and repairing utilities and protecting the security and operations of IT networks.
  • Endangering government workers conducting urgent business and delaying the implementation of programs and policies to protect all Americans.

Giving to Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA Inc.

Corporations, foundations and individuals can all become donors and/or project sponsors of TIRF USA.

Donation cheques can also be made out to Traffic Injury Research Foundation, USA Inc. and mailed to our corporate office:

Traffic Injury Research Foundation, USA Inc.
Corporate Office – 20 F Street
7th Floor, Washington, DC    20001

Donations from safety-minded organizations and individuals like you help TIRF USA reach more communities and share knowledge and resources to support prevention and education programs.

Contact us to learn more about donating to TIRF USA, a registered 501(c)3.

Highlights of 2019 donor-funded activities

  • Published peer-reviewed articles for leading academic journals including Accident Analysis and Prevention and Journal of Safety Research.
  • Organized an international workshop on Cannabis Legalization: State, Provincial, & Local Metrics to Assess Outcomes for researchers and practitioners at the Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting.
  • At the International Congress on Health and Road Safety TIRF chaired a session entitled Road Risk and one entitled Medical Fitness for Driving: Foreign Experiences and presented Evaluation of a Tool for Physicians to Communicate with Patients About Prescribed Pain Medication & Driving in Casablanca, Morocco.
  • Presented Assessing the Impact of Marijuana on Road Safety at the Leadership Forum of Impact Auto Auctions at their Spring event.
  • Developed new elementary and middle school youth Drop It And Drive® education programs with interactive exercises on pedestrian safety, distracted walking, passenger responsibilities and rights as well as content on distracted driving.
  • Presented Distracted Driving & Workplace Safety Policies: A Business Case for Employers at the International Traffic Safety Conference on Transport Fleet Traffic Safety Management in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

We extend our sincere thanks to all donors supporting TIRF USA research and educational efforts. Your generosity makes it possible to help us increase the safe use of our roadways.

Follow the links below to learn more about donor and sponsorship benefits.