

By donating to Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA, Inc., you are supporting a unique research institute that works with members of your community, practitioners in transportation, health and criminal justice systems, professionals from government, non-profits and private sector to build their capacity, make better informed decisions and change practices.

Your donations help us continue to develop and share the knowledge that saves – preventing injuries and loss of life on the roads, reducing related social, health and insurance costs, and safeguarding families and our workforce.

Research evidence and the reinforcement of preventative strategies have resulted in large-scale behavior change due to the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating this approach can reduce road crashes.

  • TIRF’s research and many educational programs generate knowledge and identify evidence-based strategies to address current issues and emerging road safety trends.
  • TIRF shares research evidence to inform action by government, businesses, traffic safety agencies, and non-profit organizations in the areas of legislation, program and policy development, enforcement, education, and training.
  • TIRF applies research to real-world driving, cycling and walking experiences shared by road users across America.
  • The overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries on our roads are preventable. TIRF’s work supports communities in achieving zero road deaths and serious injuries.

Contact us to learn more about donating to TIRF USA, a registered 501(c)3.

Donation cheques can also be made out to Traffic Injury Research Foundation, USA Inc. and mailed to our corporate office:

Traffic Injury Research Foundation, USA Inc. (TIRF USA)
Corporate Office – 20 F Street
7th Floor, Washington, DC    20001